Friday, January 14, 2005
Poo(s) in and around Singapore.
Dog tag says Just Out of the Box.
Gazes at the Scorpio constellation.
Barks for Anime, Swing and Jazz.
Currently chewing on Microtrends by Mark Penn.
Previous Posts
- Stripperella on Central
- Love the Mac ^_^
- Did mother nature just sneeze?!
- Carpe Diem?!
- Chick magnet
- Martha Focker
- Diggin up the dead
- still can't let go
- Brochure from Las Vegas
- I would like to see you work harder this year...
doggie walks

1 Bones !! ~
^_^ they were one of the earlier reasons i first started this blog, there r a few post about them if u look thru the archive. The one with the patches is Coco and the white puppy is Ms Frost.
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