Love the Mac ^_^

Finally a desktop system that's just 6.5 inches all round, ahhhhhhhhhhhh *silly grin* But this is just luv at first sight, so this crush would only last for abt a good twenty minutes ^_^ just as well, I can't afford to buy anything now :(

my mp3 player went karrrput recently and I sooo soooo so want one... this one, this one, this one ahhhhhhhhaaa ^_^"
The pic is up only because I like the green bg in the pic, it is so "glowing" - gives it a nice aura dun u tink :P
I must resist the urge to get iPod... and go dig out my bulky dusty CD player :P Have you read how so many people find this new iPod addition so unimpressive, I shall not get into that... happy thoughts happy thoughts
0 Bones !! ~
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