Monday, January 02, 2006

Pandora's Box

So the first day of the year went by and it's now officially day 2 into the year 2006. It had been an amazing, peaceful and happy Sunday today, hopefully the first of many more good days in the year ahead.

Reflecting back on the events of the past year, I realised a few things and in retrospect how some of these events have helped me to be a little more certain on some issues I've been faced with, though still not on any absolute level, I find myself more at peace with it ~ I had inevitably opened my own Pandora's Box and if you know the legend, closing the box won't changed the eventuality. Then there's this other thing about self-fulfilling prophecies, that is, I am my own worst adversary.

For all that I've done and all that I've failed to do, it would all still lead to the same consequence. So that's that...

On this first day into the New Year, I'd like to be thankful for some simple things that have started coming back into my life:
~ being excited about a lot more books
~ feeling exilarated about being able to cook
~ resisting the numerous temptations to buy more DVDs
~ taking up a new water sport (yet to, nothing absolute)
~ being passionate about my ideas again
~ meeting up with new people
~ being able to make a concious effort to keep depression at bay
~ making money without working (*LOL* I'm not telling)
~ being happy