Monday, April 25, 2005

Z'en Food

I just discovered a new distraction, at least it's good till the end of the month.
Someone whispered in my ears (Sunday afternoon) that there is a new restaurant in town, Japanese no less, that's having a 50% off promo. Drinks not inclusive, in any case, glass of wine is only $9!

So I've been planning on going to savour the fine Japanese cuisine at Z'en. Texted a couple of people in my address book and awaiting for replies, so far no takers. Huit! 50% off fine Japanese cuisine, why no interest?? It's very bad to go to a nice Japanese restaurant alone, even worst when they're offering a 50% discount, hahaha, even for a Japanese.

2 Bones !! ~

Blogger Ivy said...

I'll go I'll go! I can have sashimi everyday if I can afford it!

27/4/05 5:41 am  
Blogger GlassDog said...

Hahaha, I'm sure we'd have a great time too.

27/4/05 6:03 pm  

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